Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A Short Piece

So I'm not sure if you noticed, but I haven't written anything in the last few days. This is because I've been taking a break. Not because I'm lazy, honestly no. If I wanted to, I could be churning out posts every day like the last few weeks. But you know what? I didn't major in English or writing or something along those lines. I majored in Math, Physics, and (currently) Mechanical Engineering. And because I'm currently working in grad school, I'm trying to finish a thesis in ME.

After hearing about a friend (and I'm being charitable with this description) flush her life down the toilet this past weekend, I realized that I need to finish this thesis. So the blog focus is going to change from here on out. First, no more daily posts. Too much time when I should be working. Second, more of a focus on how my thesis and research is going, though I will have occasional posts about other aspects of my life. Basically, this blog will be an outlet for ranting and raving about the thesis and baseball, the two main focuses of my life. So if you want to read about those, and maybe a few posts about the weight loss plan, or a few about TV occasionally, keep reading. But the asinine posts from Mondays, the Music posts, and the That Guy Sucks posts are leaving. Baseball posts (after I finish the division previews which I know you all CARE SO MUCH ABOUT) will be generally limited to how the teams I like are doing, ie, Cubs and Twins news. Deal.

So sorry the blog is changing, I just have more important things right now.

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