Thursday, February 11, 2010

Further Future House

So I was thinking of what else I was going to have in my future house. And yes, this is sort of me projecting to a happier time where I'm not stuck in the fat, sweaty armpit of America. Sorry Indianblah, but you're the worst thing ever. It has to be an Indianan who wrote this piece of trash:

But I'm not commenting on how stupid people are on the internet. Today, like I said, is about what future John is going to have. I mean, the standard male testosterone needs, like a big-ass TV, but there's more to it than that.

I want that library. I want to be able to go in and smell that book smell. That'll be sweet.

I want a garden like my parents have, or like my grandmother's. My parents have a lot of really beautiful looking flowers in theirs, while my grandmother grows tomatoes, cucumbers, and several other vegetables that end up being turned into delicious food. I think my mom grows baby tomatoes, but I'm not sure if I want a real garden or just something to gussy up the house. The flower above is from the garden at my parents' house, taken by my sister. I want to start adding more pictures to this thing, and hopefully I can start taking some of them. We'll see what happens, but think of it this way: more pictures will probably lead to me typing less, allowing the pictures to fill up space. So there's less reading for you to do, which is good, right?

I want a really comfortable couch that while still nice has been lived in and has that lived in feel to it.

I want a game room, somewhere I can just hang out with friends and play games, be they board, video, or pool, or alcoholic. This may be in the library. Failing that, a game table. Failing that, a table I can clear off to play games on. Failing that, a table.

I want a kitchen with an island in the middle of it, that seems cool to me.

I do want that big ass TV, with some framed posters near it. They're framed, so it's art and thus it's ok.

I want a workshop where I can work in. I don't know what, maybe it'll just be the basement or whatever. But I want a room I can make models or whittle or whatever crazy hobby I develop. Or paint. Yeah, I can see myself painting.

I want someplace to store my sweaters. I have too many of them and I like a lot of them, but I need to either get rid of them or get a bigger dresser or something, but now I'm just getting sorta trivial. I also want a bigger closet, or less clothes there too. Same with tee-shirts, but not for underwear or socks. I think I'm good with regards to those.

I want a big backyard to go along with my garden. I forget who said it once, but a guy was playing in his yard with his kids and they were tackling each other and tearing up the grass. The mom comes out and is like, "dear, they're tearing up the grass," and the husband was like "we're not raising grass, we're raising children." Plus I generally like cutting the lawn, and when I stop liking it I can make my kid do it.

I want a dog. But then, who doesn't?

I want power tools and reasons to use them. Grunt grunt rargh.

I want a hot tub like my parents have. That thing is freaking sweet.

The rest of the physical stuff I want I got, so there's not much else that I want. I also realize that I'm not buying this all in one house at one time right after I graduate. I'll add onto the house like my parents did to ours. But it's always good to have goals you know.

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