Friday, February 5, 2010

Weight Loss Update

My weight loss is going relatively alright, I'm at about 195 or so, meaning a grand total of 8-10 pounds lost. Yay me, only 20 more to go.....Crud. I've lost the weight through running when I get the chance and lifting weights also when I get the chance, along with a slightly healthier diet and eating less food in that diet. For example, I've stopped eating a pint of ice cream each week, which has helped a lot. I miss it, but then I also miss a lot of things. But I eat more salads now, along with that Campbell's Chunky Heart Healthy Vegetable soup. It's vegetables in tomato soup, but it's got less salt so I think it's better for me. I think. I also eat yogurt all the damn time, those yoplait commercials arent kidding. Those things are delicious, especially the lemon one.

Liquid wise I'd like to say I drink more water. I don't, but I blame that on the purchase of the Pepsi throwback. I don't really like pepsi or pop generally, but I did want to try it. It tastes just like Pepsi, stupid commercials. And as I don't like throwing things away, I'm stuck with it in my fridge. I've only got like 4-5 cans left but I really hope some of my friends drink it tomorrow (hint any of you reading this). I don't really drink beer much anymore. Nothing against it, just haven't felt like one. Picking some up for a party tomorrow, might have one on Sunday, but drinking isn't what I'm up to now. I drink a lot of tea, but I'm not sure if it's the caffeine or the fact that I'm mainlining sugar when I do have some.

Breakfast and lunch are usually Special K and a PBJ, apple, and kudos bar respectively. Dinner is whatever I fix that's easy, though I do eat a lot of sandwiches, both Subway and Potbelly. I can't help it, sandwiches are tasty. But I'm not snacking as much as I once did, which it helps not having snacks in the house. A-doy. I do miss cookies, but granola bars almost make up for it.

As for the other part, the getting healthier, that's also going alright. Lifting is taking off in that I'm doing it twice a week (today being the second time this week....maybe Saturday night too?) and I try to go running twice a week as well. This week it will only be once, but that happens at times. I'm running about 5ish miles in an hourish. The problem is that as I'm still far heavier than I like, I can't run as long as I want to without needing a break. That's what taking two months off will do to you. But I'm getting back into it, and doing situps and pushups almost daily, so that's good. And I have no shortage of music to play while I do it, so that also helps.

It's all a process really. There's that old saying about how "My body is a temple." Pssh, temples let anyone in....except if they're carrying pork. My body is a nightclub. Restricted guestlist, lotta movement, loud music. I just need a bouncer to stand outside and not let the bad elements in. Anyone need a job?

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