Thursday, February 18, 2010

TV Amuses Me

So for some weird reason, I'm not getting internet access in my apartment. I blame Indianblah, because I can and I hate it and it sucks forever and everything. Yes. Anyways, I need a little break at work from writing a script about nanotechnology (when it gets filmed, I'll post it, trust me) and I figured I'd throw up something here about some of the TV I watch and why I like some of the new shows I've started watching and what have you. Pretend I was waving my hands during that last sentence.

Anyways, I got season 3 of Doctor Who (the new one, with David Tennant) yesterday and I watched the first episode. I remembered why I liked the show, and it wasn't because of the crazy sci-fi (though that helps) or the sheer Britishness of it all (that also helps). The reason I like it is because it's got that "Spark of Crazy" I like. The spark of crazy is what I'm terming a character or situation that if it happened in real life to me, I would find it insane and scary. But because it's on TV, happening to someone else, it's awesome. It's why I enjoy Burn Notice, How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory, all that. All the shows I've really enjoyed have had one character that is just insane and that makes them awesome. Even the ones you don't think have it really do. For example, let's take a relatively mundane show like The West Wing. If our government actually worked where John Larroquete or a John Larroquete stand-in fired two people for leaving dead flowers on the desk of someone else? That would be nuts. Especially if it was John Larroquete. But because it's on TV? Awesome!

And so let's go back to Doctor Who. If I was accompanying the Doctor all around the galaxy stopping alien civilizations from destroying Earth, I'm relatively sure I'd go nuts pretty fast. But because it's TV? Awesome! Blow those Daleks up! Wooo!

How I Met Your Mother has also been good this season, as has Community and The Office. Unfortunately, those are more sitcommy, so it's hard to find that spark of crazy. However, Barney and Marshall, Troy and Abed, and most of the non-Jim-and-Pam cast help make it a lot easier to find. But I've been enjoying those shows for what seems like forever (technically not with Community, but meh, sitcommy. It gets lumped in because I say so.)

I've also been watching a lot of Supernatural lately, and I just got into that relatively recently. That's a show about two brothers who go around killing monsters and (recently) trying to stop the Apocalypse. Nothing cooler than killing vampires or shapeshifters or genies or demons. So much killing of demons. Plus, it has classic rock, which according to law makes everything better (btw, totally writing that post sometime this weekend. John's laws of awesomeness. I'm looking forward to that, expect it maybe this weekend or worst case by the end of the month)

But my newest favorite TV show is Leverage. It's a show about a group of con men conning evil people out of money to help others. It's Robin Hood with trickery instead of robbery! I want to be in on a con helping people someday! (Let's not form a list of all the things I want to do in the future at some point, that'll be far too insane of a post even for me, and I don't want to ruin Future John's life too much) Heck, I'd settle for even being in on a con just to make me richer a la Ocean's 11! Or 13, for that matter. 12 was pretty meh, I don't want to be in on that con. But what makes Leverage so great? Well, it's got a fighter who beats people up, a chick with a hot British accent (specifically, the crazy girl from Coupling, the brunette), and a crazy girl thief who hits that right level of spark of crazy and adorable that's just freaking awesome and makes me wish she had more parts in things. Plus, cons! Every episode! People get hit, others get things stolen from them, craziness abounds, I love it. Oh, Leverage, keep making more of you.

So basically I want to have a crazy life at some point, provided I live through the experience. That would be great. Later today, maybe something about nanotechnology. And by later today, assuming my internet is still not working at the apartment, probably actually means tomorrow. We'll see what happens.

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