Thursday, February 18, 2010

I'm late, I'm late!

Sorry I didn't get this written Wednesday, but you did have two posts to enjoy there, one about family, the other about....whatever I wrote before that. Yeesh, my memory is going. But I figured I'd talk about what I'm planning on doing for Lent, as that is nice and simple. I'm giving up swearing and alcohol. Yes, I'm almost going Mormon, but I enjoy coffee too much to fully go the whole hock. Why am I doing this? Good question. I've been meaning to give up cursing, or curse less for a little while now, but I base that on the fact that a lot of my cursing has lost some meaning to it. That is, I'll throw a swear out there not only when it's appropriate, but at other moments that don't really call for cursing. So not only am I trying to clean up my mouth a little, but I also want to be able to mean it when I curse loudly.

As for why I'm giving up alcohol and beer? Well, we all need to make sacrifices in Lent, and I figure that I should sacrifice something I actually do like and enjoy (that is, beer) in that whole "getting closer to God" thing. Yay Catholicism!

As for giving up meat or something that I love more than beer, first off I don't want to become a vegetarian by accident. Second, I can barely cook for myself as it is, why would I give up the few things I can? And really, it's a lot more chicken and turkey sandwiches than red meat, so I don't have a problem or anything. As they all say...

As for weight loss, I'm down to 193.2 pounds, or I was earlier today. So yay me! Just gotta keep at it and soon 190, then 180 after that, and then eventually onwards to 175. Who knows, I may even be able to get down to 150 or something, assuming I at some point start like crazy dieting and then go running like 4 hours a day or something. 170 or 160 might be more doable, but I promise nothing. Sorry this isn't as awesome of a post as you were expecting, but tomorrow I'll throw something up here while I'm working on anodizations, either about my new favorite TV show or what I actually do here at work.

1 comment:

  1. Almost going Mormon?? I think you need more than giving up alcohol for that. Besides, why leave behind the beautiful Catholic tradition of drinking beer?? After all, European monks since the 7th century have been producing this wonderful beverage. And lets not forget, how did Rev Lovejoy bring back Homer to Christianity from the the Movementarians??? with beer... the cause AND solution to life's problems.
