Thursday, May 13, 2010

Baseball baseball roly poly maseball

As I'm sure everyone reading this knows, I'm far too obsessed with baseball (also, as I'm sure you can tell now, I'm semi back. I'm working on random crap at work, but I have a down moment here)

And I figured I'd be slightly light-hearted here and just post the following, feel free to throw your own in the comments.


You spell Maze "M-A-Y-S" in your class's spelling bee.

You know the whole 40 man roster....
....of every team in your league....
....from the last ten years

You own jerseys or jersey shirts of the bullpen catchers.

You have visited the birthplaces of several different baseball players on vacation.

You read the sentence "Ahh. Yes, he’d be a good choice. Provided you don’t fear a post SB decline/Madden curse." in a football discussion about QBs and wonder why Drew Brees is stealing bases for the Tampa Bay rays (actually happened!)

You hear specific player names and immediately start laughing (Bob Wickman! Bill Ripken!)

There are no photos of you without a baseball cap on.

You know not just the real stats for your team, but the sabermetric ones too (Aramis's BABIP is far too low, he's at .179!)

You have gone to those sabermetric stats as reasons for why your favorite players are better than they seem.

You hear the name Castro and think of Starlin, not Fidel.

You start or stop doing simple things like sitting, standing, leaning on things, or eating based around how the team is doing at that moment (they scored a run when I was eating that corn, I better eat more (actually happened (didnt need this last parenthesis)))

You initially start a blog about your life and move it towards a baseball one within 6 months of starting it.

Add yours in the comments


  1. i dont know what to say. here:

    signs you know very little about baseball...

    you still don't understand why there's an odd number of innings

    you can only name like 3 players (out of all the teams) and you certainly dont know how to spell their names
    - mauer, pujols, pettit, arod (oh wait that's 4!)

    you get confused as to if the players from the movie Major League are actually in the major league

    um... i really dont know enough about baseball to come up with anything else creative to say (this is also why I like the Cubs).

  2. See, but if you're willing to learn, I'll accept you and try not to talk about the game that much (i promise nothing!)

    the odd numbers of innings is because 9>8. it's math (i dont actually know either)

    Willie Mays Hayes wasn't actually in the major leagues?
