Saturday, September 4, 2010

State of my Life

Hey look, break's over, I'm back and blogging again.

I'm sure you're all incredibly excited, rejoicing in the streets, firing guns into the air, etc etc.

But what the hell have I been up to the last 3 and a half months? Well, let's see. I defended my thesis and graduated from Purdue. I then moved back home with my parents and have been living here since August. I skipped my graduation because.... it's a pointless ceremony with no one i know? i had a vacation with my family instead? indiana is a hellhole that i couldnt wait to escape from? pick your raison d'etre.

defending my thesis was great. then i started job hunting. that's been... shitty. yeah, i could try and sugarcoat it, but why? the economy is in the shitter and even my three different degrees are essentially useless. i've been applying to random different companies all over, and i've been trying to work for the government. fun fact; a master's degree in engineering does not help AT ALL when trying to find a government job. i'm just glad that i have three different degrees to fall back on and keep using; my friends who majored in animal husbandry or the like 5 different people i know majoring in sports medecine type things might be even more screwed than i am.

what has gone right? a few things actually. as of now, i'm losing weight (down to 192-193 earlier today after a run) and have a few irons in a very low burning fire. i'm on the way towards a substitute certificate for high school and have a possible second interview with the fbi in january. yeah that's right, i could soon be joining the ranks of sealey booth or those guys from criminal minds in defending america. we'll see what happens with all that.

thats also why im trying to drop the weight, as theres a physical fitness entrance exam thing to pass. i'd be running a mile and a half in january outside, along with a mess of pushups, situps, and then another 300m sprint. so i've been running a hell of a lot (6 miles a day at times) ive also been using my mom's exercise bike every couple of days when i've been feeling far too lazy to go outside and run. i've been trying to eat better too and snack less, it's....well, it's a process. hopefully by january i'll be good. more hopefully, by november i'll be down to 185. that'd be sweet.

as for fun? went paintballing a week or two ago, that was fantastic. shot several people, got shot by several more, it was awesome. going again on november 6th (hence, reason 1 for dropping weight in the next 2 months.) also, leftover bowl 4 is happening the day after thanksgiving (reason 2 for dropping the weight) im also going to start a DnD game next saturday, the 11th. been reading a mess, the running has been fun, and hanging out with friends every now and then. football is starting soon enough, and i'm trying not to go too insane. i'll let you know how that last one turns out.

i'll try to keep updating this thing every now and then, let's see how i do.

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