Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Second Post in as Many Days?

I know, it's a Christmas miracle. Well, a September miracle. Tomorrow, I'm trying careerbuilder to see what happens there. Also, I'm going running again tomorrow, and I'll get leftover ham and beans from today's meal. Om nom nom nom.

As usual, I have nothing really going on in my life worth updating about, so I'll probably waste time waxing poetic on my mental health. Probably later this week I'll talk about my DnD game (that's right, I'm nerding up my nerdy nerdiness) and next week my sister's comedy group show, or more likely next week the start of the football season. Yay football!

My mental health isn't especially great. I did find out, though, that when I don't eat, my depression worsens. Granted, it's self-diagnosed depression. And what with my totally advanced medical degrees and all, I'm QUITE sure that's what it is. So of course, this could all be bullshit, but it's the only likely thing I can think of? My life is filled with problems in all five areas (look, a link back to what I said about it before!) Mainly though, it's job and girl, and it's really just girl. That'll get talked about on here....NEVER. I'm dealing with it as best I can, and that's all I can really do. As for job, the one sentence explanation of "I have to hope things are going to work out in the end and a job will appear," explains a lot, and I have to keep believing it. So depression seems vaguely likely. Granted, the most LOGICAL thing to do would be to go see a psychiatrist or doctor or something like that. But logic and effort? Mehhhhhhhh. Mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Plus, you know, I'm eating more and healthier. So I got that. Sorry this post is all emo, but at least I'm writing, and at least a better one will be appearing soon enough?

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