Thursday, September 23, 2010

Life update in double time

And we're back. This is gonna be quick, as although I still want to write something, I'm going to bed soon. That's right, I go to bed at normal people times now (like midnight, which for me is abnormally early)

I passed the first part of the interview for the FBI, so hopefully I'm going to get going into the second part. I haven't been running as much this week, and the reasons why will be explained in a minute. Other job search stuff is going along as well as can be. I'm gonna go running again Saturday, and then hopefully next week I can get back into running and lifting. This week has essentially been maybe two steps above a loss, but next week will get better. I suppose I should also try and do the lifting during the day or something, to save some time. Yeah, I'll try that while I'm watching my TV.

I finished the first 3 seasons of Dexter and am almost done with season 1 of Sons of Anarchy. Both good, soon to start on 4 and 2 of those. Sons is amazing; its about a motorcycle gang thats running so far down the wrong side of the law that its almost insane. But its so good. I think of it like a cigarette or chugging a beer. Its so bad for you but its also so good.

So the reason I'm going to bed early and haven't been running as much is because I've been subbing at Bloom for Math. I actually kinda like being a substitute teacher, or heck, even being a teacher. If I was to go be a teacher, I'd need to go back to school....again. And get a Masters...again. In teaching this time, but the nice thing is that I should be able to get a job almost anywhere, with my Physics/Math abilities to teach, and my parents' connections. So we'll see how that goes.

Granted, I didn't dream of being a teacher anytime in the last 3-7 years, but then again what I've learned in the last 7 years has been nearly useless in the real world. The U of C degrees were nice, but U of C did not prepare me for the real world. Heck, I don't think it prepares anyone for the real world. It sets you up for being a professor, but that's kinda it. Granted, others may have different experiences, but that's mine. And Purdue? Yeah, that ME degree is nice. However, as I lack a BA in ME, that MSME is.... not helpful.

So I keep looking for jobs, hoping for that FBI thing, and relaxing when I can, I guess. Welcome to the same thing as before. I'll try to update again soon.

1 comment:

  1. you would totally be that teacher that spouts the cultural references the students have no idea what they are :) ...i mean that in a good way.
    subbing sounds like good fun (as long as the kids aren't throwing spit balls at you, or something).
    so shocked about the 12am bedtime! Isn't that usually when you eat dinner?
