Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Unrelated Thoughts

First, a life update. I've started looking into applying to be a teacher at some of the smaller schools around here. Hooray for night classes, crazy hours, and an eventual degree. I'm not saying I'm giving up on being an engineer, I'm just saying that since no one wants me as one, and since my parents are willing to pay for the year or two of more instruction, let's go get it in something that'll even more definitely get me a job. Like I said, I'm not giving up on engineering. I just have really enjoyed my last few days subbing at Bloom and pretending to be a teacher. So I'll look into this and see what happens. All I've done at the moment is ask the schools for info about applying for more graduate education.

Second, to those of you who do comment here, I read them, yes. I havent responded because... I'm a doof. So basically, Liz, how are you anyway? How's California and Kevin and all? Watch, I'll even respond in email form to your comment. If anyone NOT Liz wants to comment, I'll even ask you about your life too! Then again, no idea who else reads this, so....

Third and lastly. As I have mentioned before, I see everything in baseball terms. With the new TV seasons, I've started doing this with nightly channel TV shows. For example, Monday CBS has a great top of the order hitter (How I Met Your Mother) and then stunning mediocrity after that. Great leadoff, terrible rest of the team. Which is why I switch over to MNF. Monday is the Seattle Mariners. Ichiro is great, the rest of that team isn't worth half a crap. Tuesday, I watch Glee because yes I am a 16 year old girl. I should watch the Fox shows after, but meh, I'll do that later if they get good enough for me to care. Its the White Sox. I know they're goodish, but I really just can't pretend to care, sorry. Laaaaaaazy.

Look a new paragraph. Wednesday has Criminal Minds, but Wednesday is coffee night, so I don't really watch TV, with the exception of StewBeef (that's nightly though). So let's make Wednesday the Pirates. I know the team/night exists, but I'm hard pressed to name a show on that night. Thursday, ah Thursday. Thursday is the Cubs for me. Well, sorta. Thursday CBS is the Reds/Cardinals. I used to like Big Bang before all the jokes just got really stale, and I refuse to watch Shit My Dad. CSI is great in reruns, but I have more important things to do. Now, Thursday NBC, there's the rub and the reason for these 2 paragraphs. First we have Community. The star power of Starlin Castro, and possibly my favorite show of the night. We follow that up with 30 Rock, which has been solid but unspectacular. I enjoy the show but I never really get overexcited for it. The Office, though, that's still strong. It's not as good as it was a few seasons ago, but I think it's still going strong. I'm gonna miss Steve Carrell after this season, but I'll enjoy the ride while I can. I view it as Greg Maddux. It's not gonna rock a 1.56 ERA anymore, but a 3.50 to 4.00 ERA can still pull off wins every now and then, which is nice. The League and Always Sunny are a nice, wacky way to round up the night, but then we're on a different team as its a different network. So let's say, the Twins. Good 3 and 4, no idea about the rest of the team. Friday and Saturday I'm out, and Sunday is football day/Amazing Race, so they don't count. Anyway, just a longish diversion of where my find went with regards to TV.

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