Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Inaugural Post

So here I am, taking a break from work and school to start this blog. This is mostly going to be an account of my life, with frequent digressions into music, sports, movies, politics, TV shows, my research, my search for a job, my friends, my family, and where I am headed in life. I'd like to think this will be inspirational or something; right now I'm just hoping for whatever the opposite of asinine is. Feel free to comment on my musings, as knowing someone else is along for the ride is always a joy. Any specific people I know will most likely be pseudonymed, unless they give me permission to reveal their names. While I'm sure that he is cool with other people knowing that secret, or that she is, I want their permission before I go revealing that A is in the closet (or is he out, now that he told me?) and that B once dated someone that should have caused a literal Amber Alert.

But as this blog is mainly about me, I suppose the real question is where am I now? See the title of the blog. As Paul once said (or was it John?) it can't get no worse. I am about to lose my parent's health insurance coverage, I'm not getting paid for this semester of work, my research is a spiraling black hole of sadness, and baseball season hasn't started yet. I once read something (that's gonna be a common theme of these musings btw) that a man has 5 aspects of his life: Religion/Politics, Sports/Entertainment, Work, Females, and Friends/Family. Any problem in one of those areas can lead to problems in the other four.

It does not help that currently I am suffering from various levels of problems in all 5.

1 comment:

  1. Well, Can't Get No Worse than your LiveJournal posts from back in the day. I'll read.
