Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Unrelated Thoughts

First, a life update. I've started looking into applying to be a teacher at some of the smaller schools around here. Hooray for night classes, crazy hours, and an eventual degree. I'm not saying I'm giving up on being an engineer, I'm just saying that since no one wants me as one, and since my parents are willing to pay for the year or two of more instruction, let's go get it in something that'll even more definitely get me a job. Like I said, I'm not giving up on engineering. I just have really enjoyed my last few days subbing at Bloom and pretending to be a teacher. So I'll look into this and see what happens. All I've done at the moment is ask the schools for info about applying for more graduate education.

Second, to those of you who do comment here, I read them, yes. I havent responded because... I'm a doof. So basically, Liz, how are you anyway? How's California and Kevin and all? Watch, I'll even respond in email form to your comment. If anyone NOT Liz wants to comment, I'll even ask you about your life too! Then again, no idea who else reads this, so....

Third and lastly. As I have mentioned before, I see everything in baseball terms. With the new TV seasons, I've started doing this with nightly channel TV shows. For example, Monday CBS has a great top of the order hitter (How I Met Your Mother) and then stunning mediocrity after that. Great leadoff, terrible rest of the team. Which is why I switch over to MNF. Monday is the Seattle Mariners. Ichiro is great, the rest of that team isn't worth half a crap. Tuesday, I watch Glee because yes I am a 16 year old girl. I should watch the Fox shows after, but meh, I'll do that later if they get good enough for me to care. Its the White Sox. I know they're goodish, but I really just can't pretend to care, sorry. Laaaaaaazy.

Look a new paragraph. Wednesday has Criminal Minds, but Wednesday is coffee night, so I don't really watch TV, with the exception of StewBeef (that's nightly though). So let's make Wednesday the Pirates. I know the team/night exists, but I'm hard pressed to name a show on that night. Thursday, ah Thursday. Thursday is the Cubs for me. Well, sorta. Thursday CBS is the Reds/Cardinals. I used to like Big Bang before all the jokes just got really stale, and I refuse to watch Shit My Dad. CSI is great in reruns, but I have more important things to do. Now, Thursday NBC, there's the rub and the reason for these 2 paragraphs. First we have Community. The star power of Starlin Castro, and possibly my favorite show of the night. We follow that up with 30 Rock, which has been solid but unspectacular. I enjoy the show but I never really get overexcited for it. The Office, though, that's still strong. It's not as good as it was a few seasons ago, but I think it's still going strong. I'm gonna miss Steve Carrell after this season, but I'll enjoy the ride while I can. I view it as Greg Maddux. It's not gonna rock a 1.56 ERA anymore, but a 3.50 to 4.00 ERA can still pull off wins every now and then, which is nice. The League and Always Sunny are a nice, wacky way to round up the night, but then we're on a different team as its a different network. So let's say, the Twins. Good 3 and 4, no idea about the rest of the team. Friday and Saturday I'm out, and Sunday is football day/Amazing Race, so they don't count. Anyway, just a longish diversion of where my find went with regards to TV.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Life update in double time

And we're back. This is gonna be quick, as although I still want to write something, I'm going to bed soon. That's right, I go to bed at normal people times now (like midnight, which for me is abnormally early)

I passed the first part of the interview for the FBI, so hopefully I'm going to get going into the second part. I haven't been running as much this week, and the reasons why will be explained in a minute. Other job search stuff is going along as well as can be. I'm gonna go running again Saturday, and then hopefully next week I can get back into running and lifting. This week has essentially been maybe two steps above a loss, but next week will get better. I suppose I should also try and do the lifting during the day or something, to save some time. Yeah, I'll try that while I'm watching my TV.

I finished the first 3 seasons of Dexter and am almost done with season 1 of Sons of Anarchy. Both good, soon to start on 4 and 2 of those. Sons is amazing; its about a motorcycle gang thats running so far down the wrong side of the law that its almost insane. But its so good. I think of it like a cigarette or chugging a beer. Its so bad for you but its also so good.

So the reason I'm going to bed early and haven't been running as much is because I've been subbing at Bloom for Math. I actually kinda like being a substitute teacher, or heck, even being a teacher. If I was to go be a teacher, I'd need to go back to school....again. And get a Masters...again. In teaching this time, but the nice thing is that I should be able to get a job almost anywhere, with my Physics/Math abilities to teach, and my parents' connections. So we'll see how that goes.

Granted, I didn't dream of being a teacher anytime in the last 3-7 years, but then again what I've learned in the last 7 years has been nearly useless in the real world. The U of C degrees were nice, but U of C did not prepare me for the real world. Heck, I don't think it prepares anyone for the real world. It sets you up for being a professor, but that's kinda it. Granted, others may have different experiences, but that's mine. And Purdue? Yeah, that ME degree is nice. However, as I lack a BA in ME, that MSME is.... not helpful.

So I keep looking for jobs, hoping for that FBI thing, and relaxing when I can, I guess. Welcome to the same thing as before. I'll try to update again soon.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mix CDs

So I still have a CD player that I use. I still buy CDs, I still burn them, and I still use the player. Yes, I should enter 2001 and get an iPod (yeah, they really are that old) but I keep it around for several reasons.

First, it's a part of me. I used it in high school mowing the lawn, listening to Beatles CDs, I ran with it in college listening to The Ataris and my first attempts at mix tapes, I kept using it in grad school for running and better tapes, and I use it almost daily when I go running now. Surprisingly, it doesn't skip much, and further surprisingly, it doesnt eat batteries as much as I would think. I buy all sorts of songs on iTunes (yes I would pirate but a) my parents will pay the 5-7 bucks a month in credit card bills (seriously, thats like all i ever charge) and b) ive had enough of my dad's comments on how the government/RIAA is going to sue me) but when I make mixtapes for running, it's a very simple process.

First, I scroll through my entire list of music on iTunes. I've got 12.5 days (not as much as Tim's LITERAL month of music) so it takes some time to get through. In the end, though, it breaks down to roughly 5-6 hours maximum. The weird thing is that about 98% of the songs are the same every time. A few rap, some pop, but a lot of hard rock. So much hard rock, as it gets the blood moving and pumping. AC/DC and Van Halen are usually on there, some Gnarls Barkley, JayZ/Linkin Park, a Kanye or two, and Springsteen.

As for what ends up on the newest mix CD? Well, it's often dependant on mood, but 90 percent of the time, Jump or Panama is there, one JayZ/Linkin Park, Mama Said Knock You Out, and one AC/DC song. Crazy Train was there for a while, disappeared, and just made a reappearance on my newest one. Weapon of Choice was on two CDs I listened to for the last 6 months, but disappeared this latest time. The initial culling from 5 hours to 2 is usually easy. But its that last hour or so that things get difficult. There's so many good songs, and it's really hard to figure out what song is going to go great while running down the street in the afternoon. As for what those actually are? I'm not sure at the moment. I'll let you know next time I update.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Top 15 albums that will always be important to me

I stole this from Jon Ozaksut on facebook, so all credit to him. I'll make this go from 15 to 1, and I'll try to make the entries short enough.

15: Green Day American Idiot: So let me start out by saying, yes, a lot of my albums aren't going to be the coolest. That being said, this album resonates. I bought American Idiot when it came out, and it helped lead to my political changing. I grew up a Republican idiot and changed when I grew some brains and formed my opinion. It's a good album, I go back every now and then and I should go back to it sometime soon.

14: The Clash London Calling: Or, how I got into punk rock of the 70s. So many good songs here, and I always forget how many good ones there are until I go back and listen to it again.

13: Barenaked Ladies Stunt: Sometimes you want music that will make you think, and sometimes you want to have fun. This more falls into the have fun, but I always enjoy In The Car. Fun and peppy, it's what I think of on car rides with friends.

12: Beatles A Hard Day's Night: This is so low not because I like it least, but because while it resonates and was one of the first ones I listened to, it led to me getting more Beatles albums because this one was so awesome. The boys know how to rock and expressed so much in so few words. Plus, come on, Can't Buy Me Love.

11: Dire Straits/Mark Knopfler Best of: When I bought this, I only wanted Brothers in Arms because of that West Wing episode. I barely ever listened to it, until I threw iTunes on shuffle. Then songs started popping up, and those songs were good. Going Home, Money For Nothing, Romeo and Juliet, so many that are great. It has definitely taught me that when I buy a CD, listen to the whole damn thing. There will be some other good ones on there; this is also why I buy CDs still instead of singles a lot, but they better be good CDs.

10: Van Halen Best of Both Worlds: Everyone loves Van Halen. If you don't love Van Halen, you haven't listened to enough. They exemplify the 80s to me, power ballads and stadium anthems. The news that David Lee Roth is a part of the band again and is making a new album incredibly excites me.

9: Marvin Gaye Best of: My dad in the 70s had a lot of music that you wouldn't expect a stuffy white guy to listen to, like the platters, temptations, foundations, Marvin Gaye, all sorts of stuff. Kids used to act him, "Mr. Zuidema, why do you have those bands? They don't seem like something you would listen to." And he always told them, "It's about the voice, and the music." Same with Marvin Gaye. The man knows what he's talking about, and I love me some 70s soul. This is also why I really love Cee-Lo's F*** You.

8: AC/DC Back in Black: Sex, drugs, rock and roll. They have been singing about it for years, and this album is always fun to blast while driving in the suburbs. Angry, anthemic, and awesome, I love every track on this album. This album was probably one of the major reasons I love hard rock.

7: Stevie Wonder Best of: I love Stevie Wonder. His songs just always make me feel awesome and happy. If I'm having a downer day and I want a pick me up, I just turn on this CD and start rocking out and singing along. Every song on here just makes me peppy.

6: Paul Simon Graceland: Jack gave this to me sometime at U of C, I want to say around or after one of the California trips. I initially liked a few of the songs on it but I've been listening to it a lot since then. Every song on there makes me feel groovy and has definitely fueled a lot of my love of what can best be described as easy listening. The man knows his music and has such great song writing abilities. I need more Paul Simon cds.

5: John Denver and the Muppets Christmas Album: To me, I can't fully get into the Christmas season unless I hear this CD. There's so many memories attached to this CD, rides in the car to and from my gramma's place on Christmas Eve. Wanting to stay up for Santa and never getting to. Decorating a Christmas tree and fully getting into the Christmas spirit. Every Christmas I can never find the CD, and every Christmas I burn a copy of it to listen to. I hardly ever listen to it between New Years and Thanksgiving, but that one month? Oooh, over and over again.

4: Queen Greatest Hits: More memories here. Every time our family went to Minnesota, Mom and Dad threw this on. My sister and I grew up knowing the words to Bohemian Rhapsody, Somebody to Love, and Crazy Little Thing Called Love. I have to believe two things. First, my parents used to be cool until we came along and ruined it, and they chose Queen because they needed something that was the anti-Raffi to listen to. I still listen to this CD all the time, because Freddie Mercury knew how to rock. The man could move everyone and it's a shame he's no longer with us.

3: Motion City Soundtrack Even if it Kills Me: I listened to this CD all the time on the way back and forth from Purdue these last 3 years. I grew to enjoy every one of these songs as they hit that perfect mix of expression and rock for me. It seems like a buddy comedy to me at times, and a romantic movie at others. Whatever I need at the time, it's there.

2: Bruce Springsteen Hammersmith London 1975: This is a live concert at London. This is also the most rocking thing I own. It's essentially live versions of the first 3 CDs worth of songs (Greetings from Asbury Park, The Wild the Innocent and the E Street Shuffle, and BTR), and it's incredible. This CD was the reason I went to a concert 3 years ago, and it was one of the best nights of my life, even including that stupid ticket for blowing through a red light i insist was yellow. I have to go to another one sometime soon, as it's a transcendent experience. The man knows how to put on an amazing show and if he ever has another tour, I'm going on it. Everyone should go see one of their heroes sometime, and time is running out for me.

1: Bruce Springsteen Born To Run: I got this CD from Edmund during a math meeting. And it may be the greatest CD I own. I read somewhere once that while Bruce has a voice on par with Brian Williams, he has the greatest expressive ability of any singer out there. This was the third CD he made, after Asbury Park and E Street Shuffle. He was going broke and about to be out of the music industry, so he threw everything he had into this album. The result was magical. If you want a recommendation, try Thunder Road and the title track and Jungleland. You will not be disappointed.

And hey, at least this post was happyish?

I am ready for some football, yes

So as I'm bored, let's break down the Bears schedule for this year and how I think we'll do. Right now, having not looked at it, I'm gonna guess 8-8 and Lovie getting fired, because that's what'll happen. Player wise, I feel that Cutler will have a similar year, only slightly bigger (4000 yards, 30 TDs, 30 INTs). Forte will probably get 1500 yards, 10 TDs (yeah im probably overvaluing it, but I've never made player predictions before. Plus I figure there would be a mess of dump passes from Cutler when he gets rushed).

I love football. Baseball is my first love and always will be, but football provides a very large and welcome change. I need a mental health break after a baseball season, especially this baseball season. Later in the fall I'll break down how to fix the Cubs (short answer: lots of spending on good players, doy doy doy), but for now, football predictions. Football unites the city, and allows for some great strategy plays. Baseball has some yes, but I don't necessarily enjoy talking about them. Football youre choosing between run or pass (btw, Chicago, on 3rd and 15, you pass the ball, ya idjits. Running doesnt help) and you gotta choose where to run or pass. My favorite day of the year is Leftover Bowl, the day after Thanksgiving, and I will try to get a mess more pictures from this upcoming one. Nothing better than real life tackle football without helmets. Grunt grunt grunt wooo!

My love of running backs like Walter Payton or Matt Forte or Barry Sanders or Emmit Smith or Chris Johnson or even begrudgingly Adrian Peterson is why I like playing RB during leftover bowl. I get to carry the ball and smash people? Sweet flipping deal! The benefits of training for the FBI is that I've been getting stronger and hopefully more able to crush some skulls during the Leftover Bowl. Because I am vain, I will try to get some video of me being awesome during Leftover Bowl. Two and three years ago I was a running back, and last year I played a blocking tight end. This year, I'm going back to running back I think, and hopefully being dominant while doing it. Granted, I gotta look out for Jose and Craig and Nate and Karl rushing me, but hopefully two of those will be on my team and blocking the other two. Plus, since I've been running so much, hopefully my legs won't start hurting halfway through like last year.

I can't throw the ball with quarterback awesomeness, but I can catch moderately well, so I figure I'll break out wide on a few plays, and then try to hurdle the d a few times and get some spin moves going. Every guy dreams of that one breakaway run, and I had one a few years ago. I want more, I'm hungry for this game. I blame Hendu for the love of football, and our great years in flag football. This year, Karl will be back, and I'm pretty sure Nate is coming. If I could get Jack, Dan, and Steve showing up that would be even greater. Dan, if you're reading this, I want you there. Come on, dude, it'll be great. Steve and Jack, if youre in the Chicagoland area, you gotta come. Steve, I'll even let Karl be on your team in order to keep any... problems... from occurring. As for Purdue peeps, any of you who want to drive up from Purdue, this is totally worth it. Tackling that has (as of now) not broken any bones (knock on wood) and some outstanding plays makes this one of the most fun games ever. Plus, music, cheerleaders (my sister and a few friends), photographers (them again) and maybe even some spectators (depending on if I can get my parents outside) makes this seem like a real football game.

In any case, Bears breakdown. I realize this is getting long, so I'll make the breakdowns short.

Lions - W. We're hungrier than they are and our team is slightly better.
Cowboys - L. I hate them a lot, but they're a good team. Blowing us outta the water.
Packers - W, because we take one every year. This is at home, they'll take the other
Giants - Push, but probably a L. More talent there than here, but it'll be mediocre
Panthers - L, as their RBs are really good. QB sucks, but we'll see.
Seahawks - W. The NFC West outside SF is terrible. TERRIBLE.
Redskins - W but close. McNabb is good but has dick all to throw to.
Bills - W. They make the NFC West look professional. Terrible almost all around
Vikings - L. Unless Favre is broken. But most likely a loss.
Dolphins - W, because I gave us a L at NYG. We'll win one and lose the other of these two.
Eagles - L. Kolb has a lot of weapons to throw to. Can he be good? Maybe. Passable? Definitely.
Lions - W again as we'll be hungry again and ready for a kill.
Patriots - W. This team was good, but they did no upgrading, Randy Moss is whiny again, and we'll be trying to get a win to get into the playoffs.
Vikings - L, because Favre has more weapons than Kolb. The vikings only needed a QB and they got a decent one.
Jets - L, because Rex Ryan is a hungry and awesome bastard.
Packers - L, as I explained before.

So that breaks down to 8-8, just like i predicted. Third in NFC North, and maybe some hope for the future. Questions, drop a comment and I'll answer it for you

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Second Post in as Many Days?

I know, it's a Christmas miracle. Well, a September miracle. Tomorrow, I'm trying careerbuilder to see what happens there. Also, I'm going running again tomorrow, and I'll get leftover ham and beans from today's meal. Om nom nom nom.

As usual, I have nothing really going on in my life worth updating about, so I'll probably waste time waxing poetic on my mental health. Probably later this week I'll talk about my DnD game (that's right, I'm nerding up my nerdy nerdiness) and next week my sister's comedy group show, or more likely next week the start of the football season. Yay football!

My mental health isn't especially great. I did find out, though, that when I don't eat, my depression worsens. Granted, it's self-diagnosed depression. And what with my totally advanced medical degrees and all, I'm QUITE sure that's what it is. So of course, this could all be bullshit, but it's the only likely thing I can think of? My life is filled with problems in all five areas (look, a link back to what I said about it before!) Mainly though, it's job and girl, and it's really just girl. That'll get talked about on here....NEVER. I'm dealing with it as best I can, and that's all I can really do. As for job, the one sentence explanation of "I have to hope things are going to work out in the end and a job will appear," explains a lot, and I have to keep believing it. So depression seems vaguely likely. Granted, the most LOGICAL thing to do would be to go see a psychiatrist or doctor or something like that. But logic and effort? Mehhhhhhhh. Mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Plus, you know, I'm eating more and healthier. So I got that. Sorry this post is all emo, but at least I'm writing, and at least a better one will be appearing soon enough?

Saturday, September 4, 2010

State of my Life

Hey look, break's over, I'm back and blogging again.

I'm sure you're all incredibly excited, rejoicing in the streets, firing guns into the air, etc etc.

But what the hell have I been up to the last 3 and a half months? Well, let's see. I defended my thesis and graduated from Purdue. I then moved back home with my parents and have been living here since August. I skipped my graduation because.... it's a pointless ceremony with no one i know? i had a vacation with my family instead? indiana is a hellhole that i couldnt wait to escape from? pick your raison d'etre.

defending my thesis was great. then i started job hunting. that's been... shitty. yeah, i could try and sugarcoat it, but why? the economy is in the shitter and even my three different degrees are essentially useless. i've been applying to random different companies all over, and i've been trying to work for the government. fun fact; a master's degree in engineering does not help AT ALL when trying to find a government job. i'm just glad that i have three different degrees to fall back on and keep using; my friends who majored in animal husbandry or the like 5 different people i know majoring in sports medecine type things might be even more screwed than i am.

what has gone right? a few things actually. as of now, i'm losing weight (down to 192-193 earlier today after a run) and have a few irons in a very low burning fire. i'm on the way towards a substitute certificate for high school and have a possible second interview with the fbi in january. yeah that's right, i could soon be joining the ranks of sealey booth or those guys from criminal minds in defending america. we'll see what happens with all that.

thats also why im trying to drop the weight, as theres a physical fitness entrance exam thing to pass. i'd be running a mile and a half in january outside, along with a mess of pushups, situps, and then another 300m sprint. so i've been running a hell of a lot (6 miles a day at times) ive also been using my mom's exercise bike every couple of days when i've been feeling far too lazy to go outside and run. i've been trying to eat better too and snack less, it's....well, it's a process. hopefully by january i'll be good. more hopefully, by november i'll be down to 185. that'd be sweet.

as for fun? went paintballing a week or two ago, that was fantastic. shot several people, got shot by several more, it was awesome. going again on november 6th (hence, reason 1 for dropping weight in the next 2 months.) also, leftover bowl 4 is happening the day after thanksgiving (reason 2 for dropping the weight) im also going to start a DnD game next saturday, the 11th. been reading a mess, the running has been fun, and hanging out with friends every now and then. football is starting soon enough, and i'm trying not to go too insane. i'll let you know how that last one turns out.

i'll try to keep updating this thing every now and then, let's see how i do.