Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Sad Yet True Focus of this Blog

Sports sports sports sports sports sports.

Sports sports sports sports? Sports, sports sports sports, sports!

Oh, you thought there was going to be something more important on my mind? Hate to disappoint you, but nope, there is not. And as I am currently waiting 4 hours before I can go into the cleanroom and need a break from reading textbooks about the reflection of light, we're talking sports. While I'm sure there are one or two of you that want to read about my work and what's going on with it (or more accurately, what's not going on because I can't get the machines to work correctly for me. And I've tried talking to people, it doesn't work. Hopefully things work out in the next day or so as I'm getting quite tired of not having results and blah blah blah) I'm talking about what interests me. And what interests me at the moment is sports.

And believe me, I have a lot to talk about with regards to sports. Much of it is baseball related, a good portion is football related, but for this opener i'll talk about my relationship with sports and athletics as a whole in regards to life and all. Get comfortable, for even though I'm going to try to be brief this could take a while.

Thinking back, the first memory I have of sports is playing soccer, or as Mary and Alfredo call it, "futbol" (look you guys, I totally have a u in there Spanish style!). I was goodish if memory serves, played midfield, or for you espanol kids, "midfieldo." I never went into traveling leagues with it or anything, even though my sister did, as I was happy with the lower, in-house leagues where I wasnt stuck traveling an hour weekly. I also remember liking the White Sox, and watched a lot of Bulls games when they were good. Nothing against hockey, but I have never really given a crap. Sorry, Hawks, maybe in a few years.

Fast forward to high school. I cared about little to no sports, and was happy in my nerd world of science and reading and equations and holy crap I was an even bigger nerd than I realized. Damn. Blah blah blah, played ultimate frisbee and soccer and dodgeball with friends during the summer, still do. Went to college, and sports exploded.

So I went to nerd school. It is a school for nerds, and many of those nerds are anti-social dicks. Sorry, U of C, but most of the kids in my English classes I wanted to hit in the head with rocks. Physics kids were alright, but every now and then there's one or two kids that are aggravating. But thanks to friends, I discovered football, which I love, baseball, which I am still working on figuring out how to marry in a civil ceremony, and running.

I enjoy football and baseball, but a) there are seasons for those two sports and b) you need other people to play. You can only toss yourself the football from one hand to another so many times before you get bored. But running? Running can happen all year round and you only need yourself and maybe a CD player. I like it because I can get less fat (196 yesterday, trying to get down to 175 by April 2 - but food tastes so good, so it's hard) and I can ignore all those problems I feel with regards to anything. One of your friends says something douchey? Go running for an hour. Your experiment not work for the 5th or 6th time? Go running. Your baseball team signs Milton Bradley to a three year deal? Oh you better believe I went running.

So I like running, but it's hard to get fully going. As I'm at 196 pounds, it's difficult to keep running full out, which is what I prefer. I also need a new running CD, but I can maybe make one of those this weekend. But those are all excuses. The real hard part is ignoring those and actually going out there and working out/running/etc. But running and I are pretty good.

As for why I like the Cubs and Bears? I went to school in Chicago, and when I first started fully watching football, the Bears were starting to get good. I want to say I started liking them a year or two before that Super Bowl run, but I watched highlights of the team from previous years and read Walter Payton's autobiography, and that was what truly made me a Bears fan. I had watched a few games in the years before college, so I had a decent idea of who to hate (Wisconsin) but that hate developed year round with the help of the Cubs. Basically, it was a continuous cycle of Cubs hate Brewers (because Ryan Braun is a twatwaffle, and Prince Fielder is a fat twatwaffle, and Corey Hart has a midget face, and Bud Selig unfairly got that team money because his family owned it, etc) which helps make Bears hate Packers easier (because Favre got his dick sucked (and still does for that matter no matter what he does), and they arent that good, and the team has only won so many games the last 10 years because our division sucked) and Bears hate Packers makes Cubs hate Brewers easier as well. Yes, I'm vaguely rooting for the laundry, but I'll root my own way. As for why I never rooted for the Sox again? I'll make some dismissive notions about how the team abandoned me, or their fans were jerks, or something.

The real reasons? Probably that my closest friends have more often been Cubs fans or fans of National League teams. Sorry to Dan and Nate, but Jack, Andy, and several friends at home ruined it for you guys. Plus the DH rule is for weenies. "wah wah wah, my pitcher can't hit the baseball, he's too old and slow!" Plus I hate AJ Pierzynski. And Ozzie Guillen. And you know what, screw Kenny Williams for not treating Frank Thomas like the good guy/player he was.

I have much more to discuss about all sorts of sports, but for now we'll close here. Tomorrow if I have the time, I'll start a new series of articles called "That guy sucks!" starring many "beloved" sports players. I might do it over the weekend as I'm currently in the middle of an all nighter at the moment. We'll see soon enough. As always, comments and future writing suggestions are appreciated

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