Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Let's Start Off Easy - Religion and Politics

So as I mentioned previously, problems are showing up in many aspects of my life. Granted, I don't want this to turn into just me bitching daily about "the governent" or "there are too many states today, please eliminate three, ps I am not a crackpot," but these first few posts are just going to be some venting along with some questions about where I'm going with them in the future and all.

So religion is sorta easier to figure out really. I believe in JC, I like JC, I'm happy with my choices. We're all good there. But I've been lazy with it all. I've skipped church the last 2 weeks or so, as I've realized that a lot of the reasons I kept going was fear for my soul. Like, I believe the teachings, but (as in all things) I have a few questions. Not the simple, "why do bad things happen to good people" (which is actually a good book, btw, if i could only remember what it said), but more along the lines of "why is there a hell if God loves everyone?" and "why do I know far too many people back home that are judgemental about me being a Christian/Catholic?" and "Are some of my friends going to hell because we don't strictly follow church teachings? Am I?"

So I took a few weeks off. I'll be back soon enough, as I do like the stability church gives me, even if a lot of things it does aggravate me. But politics. Now there's the problem.

I am a democrat. I am happy with that. I am one because gays don't scare me, and I believe we should actually help the poor (which ties into that catholicism thing, don't it). And acknowledging that I have several friends who are republicans (who I don't know if theyre actually reading or not), but for heaven's sake, I hate Republican leaders. I suppose a lot of it is the sites I frequent (tbogg, huffpost, etc) but that can't be entirely it. The delaying tactics, the hissyfits, 8 of the past 9 years in presidency and the ruination of so much of this country and what we stood for, etc etc, whine whine whine. Better people than I have bitched about politics in this country and me whining doesn't fix anything, but it makes me feel better. Granted, then we have the fact that my party doesn't feel like actually doing anything to resolve the situation, because its too hard to try.

I guess I want a choice between the Stupids and the Douches without having to vote for a third party. (Go ahead, throw your vote away!) And I want to figure out exactly what I believe in and who I believe in (and that applies to both religion and politics)

Anyone with thoughts on these general issues is welcome to comment. If you don't care for either, expect something different tomorrow, probably about sports or entertainment or something. (That's right, I'm blogging daily now. I can't promise to write something every day, but I can and will try. Any suggestions for what to write about, I'm willing to listen.)


  1. Conscience is key. Are you following your conscience? If you are, then I think you're square with God. I don't go to church on a regular basis. I'm lazy. But I can't really see God having a huge issue with that.

  2. I pretty much follow my conscience....don't eat people, don't punch people, try to curse less at the state of Indiana, the usual.

  3. I can't comment with nifty icons over here, Hoggle. >:O

  4. The problem of following your conscience is that it can be highly subjective, convenient, and not enough. Follow God instead, educate your conscience and be at peace. After all, JC never said "follow your conscience" but instead "follow me".
